A Death Café is a casual atmosphere enhanced by the enjoyment of your favourite beverages and food where people can gather to discuss the topics of death and dying. Online Death Cafés will take place monthly. In person sessions will be advertised regularly as well! Starting in Autumn, Death Doulas of Manitoba will be hosting in person death cafés in various communities, as well as online!
During our sessions, there will be no speakers and no theme to these meetings. Michelle will facilitate and encourage open discussion about death and dying, where people can share their thoughts and feelings. Because we live in a ‘death denying’ society, these topics are often difficult to discuss, but by meeting in the comfort of our own homes we may be able to connect and engage with others. It is important to understand that Death Cafés are not grief support groups, and the facilitator will not be offering counselling. Resources will be available for those who would like information that may help them on their unique paths. Animal Companion Death Cafés will be announced soon too!
Virtual Death Cafés
Click here to register for the online Death Cafés!
January Death Café Listing
In Person Death Cafés
Will be announced soon!
If you plan to attend, please email DeathDoulasOfManitoba@gmail.com
as seating may be limited!